Thursday, December 21, 2006

Week of December 11th, 2006

Big running week this week, and thats about it. I did try yoga for the first time on Thursday night. I was sore for 4 days. I think it is just getting the cobwebs out and holding stretches, but I felt pretty good afterwards, hence the uptempo running on Friday.

Monday, 8 miles Treadmill
Tuesday, 8 miles outside in the rain
Wednesday, 8 miles Treadmill
Thursday, 8 miles outside
Friday, 8.5 miles, with 5 at 155-160HR
Saturday, 15.5 miles, felt pretty good
Sunday, 8 miles Treadmill

64 for the week, a new high. I will now start adding in some "Hadd Style" higher heart rate running. The idea is to keep the majority of the miles in the 145-150HR range, and do two run per week at 155-160. Over time bumping the higher HR running up to 160-165, then 165-170, and finally 170-175. This will complete the base and get me ready for higher intensity work. I may just stick with this scheme, and not get into the typical speedwork. Hopefully the pace at all HR's will increase over time. The plan is to spend 6 weeks at each level.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Week of December 4th, 2006

Brrr!! Another super cold week, mostly single digits all week. This forced most of my running indoors. I did manage to get outside for a run on Saturday, all bundled up, but it was not fun. I also managed to go for a bike ride this week. It was a Spinervals workout on the trainer, but hey, after not being on the bike since the cross race, it went pretty well.

Monday: 6 miles, treadmill
Tuesday: 8miles, treadmill
Wednesday: 8 miles, treadmill
Thursday: 8 miles, treadmill
Friday: 4.5 miles, treadmill (3x1 mile @ 6' pace, one minute recovery)
Saturday: 13.5 miles, outside 7:40 pace, super windy and lots of snow on the sidewalks.
Sunday: 90 minute Spinervals 22, 12 miles, treadmill

Thats right, if my math skills haven't failed me, thats 60 miles of running this week, a new record. The plan is to add 2 more bike rides this week, so that'll be 7 days running, 3 days riding, with a lot of riding at or above FT. Based on the Spinervals workout, FT is about 280ish. Looking for 315 by March 24th. That should put me at 2:20 half IM pace @ 80% of FT.

Friday was Lisa's 24th birthday. We went to dinner with our parents, as it was pretty much the first time they had all met. It only took 3 1/2 years to do. Had a few too many Vanilla Stoli and cokes at Bamboo Room, but it was a really good time, especially when Bradley, Pilch, and Krezel randomly showed up. Happy Birthday honey!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Week of November 27th, 2006

This was a roller coaster week for fitness. It started out really warm, and got really cold, and we were hit with our first snow. In the middle of it all, I got punched in the stomach with some kind of flu. Sweats, chills, it felt like someone had my stomach/intestines in a kung fu grip. Tuesday was the worst, and felt a little better Wed till the end of the run. I could feel hints of pain on Thursday and Friday, but I toughed it out. 50 miles again this week, bound to the dreadmill all weekend. Not too bad for how bad I felt, and a day off.

Monday: 8.35, felt good, low 7 pace
Tuesday: 8.15, couldnt get heart rate down, felt awful (flu symptoms started)
Wednesday: Off, trying to recover
Thursday: 5.5 with Todd, felt pretty decent, but slow. Pain came at the end
Friday: 8 miles, Treadmill
Saturday: 8 miles on treadmill
Sunday: 12 miles on treadmill.

I have been doing easy progressive runs on the treadmill. Started at 8 minute pace, rolling course and raising the speed .1mph every mile, so the 12 miler finished at around 7 minute pace. I'll bump the starting speed every week, and see what happens. I like to go 5k-10k pace for the last couple minutes, because strides on the treadmill are dumb.

Looking into next week, I will get back on the bike. For real this time. Also, I want to add some upper body lifting since I am not swimming. The Plasma is set up on the trainer, and I spread the aerobars a bit, so it will relieve tension on my shoulders. Higher wattages feel so much easier on that bike, I need to copy that geometry at a shallower seat angle. Very nice..